Sunday, February 27, 2011

Los Hombres De Paco Singapore


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Expired Ohio License In The Military

Santa Teresa in Olbia, 64km, 605m

The beautiful Italy!

February 27

Our room was beautiful, spacious and warm for what happiness outside, it's cold and raining. The day started superbly with a nice buffet breakfast. I can tell you that the cyclist's appetite was well satisfied. The start was given and to our surprise it stopped raining. YES! We will drive on the E155 all day. At first glance, Sardinia is much steeper months. The reliefs are so strongly undulating but nothing like Corsica.

De Santa Teresa Olbia 2011-02-27

An hour later, the wind blows very hard. Ah! But this time, directly behind us. We drive effortless and over 35km. The day will be short at that speed. The scenery is beautiful but after Corsica, it lacks some of Ah! and Ho La La! Nevertheless, we ride along many valleys, each time with a superb downhill and then resumes. This little game lasted 4 hours. Finally we arrive at the port of Olbia much earlier than expected, it is barely 15:00. The departure of our boat is scheduled for 22:30.

De Santa Teresa Olbia 2011-02-27

Our trip to Sardinia was very short but we can tell you that this island is beautiful, less populated Corsica and the drivers are very respectful of cyclists. Oddly, we saw no other cyclist even if today is Sunday, or habit, we see many for their Sunday outing. The northern island is hilly but really seems more mountainous south. There is a scenic route that the long side. It will be a next time.
Tomorrow we will wake up on the mainland, Italy and the Eternal City: Rome!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Period 5 Days Late White Cervical Mucous

Propriano Bonifacio 66km, 865m

Brrr, it's cold!

February 26

The night was cool even in Corsica. The tent is as frozen as we do. Condensation has even turned into ice on the interior ceiling. Brrr. Well, yesterday we did not see a grocery by the end of the day which means that we have nothing for breakfast.
From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26

advertisements along the road indicate that the closest grocery store is that to 5 minutes on the road we take. Perfect until we see the kind of trick that involves 5 minutes. Yes, you guessed it, a terrible rise of 15% to the store! Nothing in the stomach, it is difficult. Needless to say we took a gargantuan breakfast with great coffee.

From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26

The road has already announced its gradients in the first kilometers in the direction of Sartene. Again, we must push our bikes. The slope is more than 20%. Aie Aie Aie.

From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26

From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02 - 26

And it continues like this all day. Just before lunch we take the turn of the great southern Corsica. The rock formations are really special here. They have sculpted by time and weather.

From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26

And then a descent beautiful seaside
From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26
Who must necessarily go back to take a final climb to Bonifacio. The weather was overcast and quite refreshing. Finally, Bonifacio.
From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26
We are going directly to the port to find the ferry schedules to Sardinia. The next ship is at 17:00 and the journey takes an hour. Perfect, we board and we'll find a hotel on the other side. Rating Bonifacio is a beautiful white.

From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26

Really beautiful.

From Propriano Bonifacio 2011-02-26
Welcome in Sardinia and also in Italy, our 6th country. Yes, there are several hotels here, but they are all closed except one. This is fine but like everything else in Europe expensive. Tomorrow, our first day in Italy.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Get The Tablet Of Gods On Poptropica

Ajaccio Propriano 78km, 1026m

island beauty

25 février

Un nouveau paysage à notre réveil ce matin. La Corse et ses montagnes, certaines vertes et d'autres blanches. Oui, oui, les montagnes sont assez hautes en Corse pour qu'il y ait de la neige et certaines sont même éternelles. Le soleil est radieux, qu'est-ce qu'on avoir une belle journée.

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25

We had read that the road out of Ajaccio is terrible, there is no shoulder and cars graze a lot. With apprehension we take this road, the only one available. And it's not really that bad. It is true that we are not in the big tourist season. After a few miles we left the road and take the road along the coast.
From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25

De Ajaccio à Propriano 2011-02-25

Les premiers kilomètres sont faciles, pas de grosses montées de fou. Dans le fond, la Corse, c'est pas si pentu que ça... Erreur! Après un arrêt pour regarder la vue et parler à un Corse, la route prend une toute autre allure.

De Ajaccio à Propriano 2011-02-25

Et la grimpe commence. Pas de petit dénivelé, du 14 et du 15% pendant miles. Corsica is not who wants it. It should be in great shape physically. Even we, after six months on our bikes, we pulled up, we even had to push our bikes. Obviously, we are responsible, but despite everything, the slopes are so steep that you really get in shape. A chance that there are great views of the sea and the mountains still provide an excuse to stop.

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25
Corsica deserves its name of this beautiful island. After a good climb we see a supermarket with nice picnic tables. Nice place to stop. We ask the employee who is out whether we can use the tables. With an air of stupid he replied that no, these are only for customers who buy supermarket food to eat and that if his boss comes and sees us, he will put us out to kick in the butt! And if you buy a coke? Not matter. Wow! Nice way to welcome tourists! So we continue our journey and a little further, we find a much better place with amazing views.

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25

Immediately after lunch , the next corner, we saw off Propriano. There are only twenty miles, piece of cake? Oh no. It goes as far as this morning still uneven crazy 9%, 10%, 12% or more. The views are spectacular as always helping us to pursue our path.

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25
We feel the fatigue in our legs, we go up less quickly. We also seek a place to pitch our tent. We stopped at a service station to get water. Again, we were received with scorn and disgust by the charge of the place. Yes, yes we know we're morons of tourists who sustain your economy but have nothing to do here. But really, the Corsicans deserve their negative reputation. To end on a positive note, we find a place for our camping a few miles from Propriano.

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02-25

From Ajaccio to Propriano 2011-02 - 25
A large park on the seafront, our attempts we hear the waves but the dune prevents us from seeing and also protects us from the wind. In summary, Corsica is totally awesome with its magnificent mountain landscape sculpture and a few steps away, the turquoise blue sea. Paradise is strangely similar to that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Filmm Jakmilosc Odcinek 1

Marseille to Toulon, 67km, 800m

Goodbye and thank you

February 24

Imagine, then, that the ferry company is on strike for almost a month and no departure from Marseille. Therefore from either Toulon or Nice! Will we one day in Rome?
short, we will leave Toulon and we will take the road along the coast and passes through Cassis and Bandol. The goodbyes are sad this morning, we were so good at Elizabeth and Jean-Claude.

From Marseille to Toulon 2011-02-24

From Marseille to Toulon 2011-02 -24

ago these meetings during this trip that are outstanding, both the generosity of the hosts that the friendship that develops. Remember that our house is wide open to welcome you in Quebec. Heavy heart, we resume our journey to other meetings.
Between Marseille and Cassis, there is the neck of the Gineste. It's a great climb that offers beautiful views of Marseille, the Calanques and a little further the high cliffs of Cassis.

From Marseille to Toulon 2011-02-24

De Marseille à Toulon 2011-02-24
La route est faite comme des montagnes russes, on monte et on descend toute la journée. Le plus extraordinaire de la journée fût la superbe voie cyclable qui commence pas loin de Bandol et qui nous emmène jusqu'à Toulon.
Louis se présente au bureau de Corsica ferries, qui est ouvert de 14:00 à 17:00. Prolétariat vaincra en titi! Les tickets en main, nous allons faire les emplettes de bouffe pour le bateau et les prochains jours. Enfin prêts, nous irons prendre une bière avec Anthony et Magalie. Nous avions couché chez eux avant nos changements de plan.
L'embarquement et la traversée se font bien et nous avons amplement de place pour étendre nos sacs de couchage. Demain, la Corse!

Hutch Trick Ster Old School Bmx For Sale

Marseille Montpellier, 15 km

Le doux confort...

22 et 23 février

Il pleut ce matin et nous décampons sous la pluie. Nous ne pouvons attendre, le train pour Marseille est à 9:45. Le camping n'est qu'à 3.5 kilomètre de la gare. Une chance car, nous ne serons pas trop mouillés. Le train arrive en gare, malgré le fait que nous ayons regardé le plan du train, le contrôleur nous dit que les vélos doivent être dans le premier wagon. Et, is non-negotiable. The mad dash across people begins. Forgive, forgive, move over c. .. Whew! Our bikes are back and here we are on their way to Marseille. Two hours later we land in the second largest city in France after Paris.

From Marseille to Montpellier 2011-02-22

Our hosts, Elisabeth and Jean-Claude, live at the other end of the city. We cross Marseille bike. And to our surprise, that's very well done. Because we are a little ahead, we take out our tent and dry it before ringing among our guests. We are on the ground and condos on two occasions, people come to see us offer hospitabilité! Well, everything is dry, we can go. Elizabeth awaits us with an excellent fruit cake she has cooked and hot tea.

De Marseille, j2 2011-02-23

That's good, we feel that we are going home to mom and dad . Her husband, Jean-Claude comes a little later, he was at his bridge tournament. After a drink we are entitled to an excellent couscous.
The next day, Elizabeth has given us to take us in the creeks.

De Marseille, j2 2011-02-23

What chance to visit this place with hikers and know the most beautiful corners of this paradise.

De Marseille, j2 2011-02-23
The petit-déjeuner avalé, nous partons pour les Calanques. Le temps est radieux mais légèrement voilé. Le trajet en voiture est court. La marche débute dans la forêt qui est entourée de hautes falaises en granit.

De Marseille, j2 2011-02-23
Toute la beauté du lieu se dévoile peu à peu. Tout au fond de ces hautes falaises escarpées, de minuscules plages paradisiaques aux eaux turquoises. Nous sommes totalement en extase devant tant de beauté. Louis ne cesse de prendre des photos. Nous n'avons rien vu de pareil ailleurs. Nous vous laissons savourernt les images does not represent all the greatness of this extraordinary setting.
Again tonight, we have an excellent dinner.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Make A Mini Cannon That Shoots

Frontignan-Plage Montpellier, 45km

Change of plan ...

February 21

What a good sleep in a bed warm. And besides, Jeannot us prepare good coffee for breakfast. Thank you again and again, it was a nice break in our journey. At dawn we start fresh in the direction of the Camargue. The cycle lane is very beautiful and quiet. Think of the dust next day, what to do, where to go?
De Frontignan Montpellier 2011-02-21

Since we are not far from Montpellier, it would be wise to see options available to us before going into smaller towns. So we stop at a cafe with wifi. Then begin research on the internet. After discussions, we therefore decide to take the train to Marseille and then the first ferry to Ajaccio. We ride from there to Bonifacio, where we take a second ferry to Sardinia. And there, a third ferry to Rome. It's been a lot of boats but is quite easier than taking the train or even an airplane. As a bonus, and what bonuses!, We see a bit of Corsica, the island of beauty, and Sardinia. Peace of mind we leave the campsite in Montpellier, which is not easy to find. It took us almost two hours to turn and ask several people. Finally here we are. The sky is still gray and we just have time to cook our supper before the rain starts.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Penn State Wrestling Singlet

Jacobs by Marc Jacobs bag Dark Orange

practice to go do some shopping.
Registration has faded a bit I bought at 20 euros at the official store in Paris.

Price: 10 euros

Price negotiable. Barter accepted.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Are Irritated Hair Follicles?

Jacobs by Marc Jacobs Tote Blue Turquois. SOLD!

It is in very good condition, just a small task, 100% cotton, registration was not removed.
The basket has a very large capacity, easy to go to the pool or beach.
Purchased at 25 euros at the official store in Paris.

Price: 15 euros SOLD!

Price negotiable. Barter accepted.